After graduation, I attended Bowling Green University for two years before transfering to the Univesity of Arizona in Tucson. I received a degree in Economics then a juris doctorate from the Law School. I practiced law in Tucson for a number of years and was involved in several small businesses. At age 50 I thought I should retire. I had just married my wife Carol who was working out of her business as well. We purchased a second home in Park City, Utah (summers are hot in Tucson) and had our lives of golf, skiing and travel planned. Unfortunately, my brother, Craig-Class of 65, died of a heart attack leaving an 11 year old orphan (Chris). Carol and I adopted Chris and we decided Park City would be an ideal place to raise him, so we made it our home. After playing golf and skiing for two years and with travel opportunities limited with a child in school, I got totally bored so I took a position as Executive Director of a local non-profit that deals in affordable housing for Park City's resort workforce ( I am able to still travel, spend some time at our home in Tucson in the winter and enjoy life. I thoroughly enjoy my work. We have over 200 affordable home and apartments in the pipeline so I have committed to continuing for at least another three years-perhaps beyond.
I was fortunate to be selected for a two year program, Achieving Excellence in Community Development at the Kennedy School at Harvard and completed the program in 2014.
Life has been good to me since this shy kid lacking self confidence left Berea many years ago.