The Class of 1966 celebrated our 60th Birthday Party/Picnic in Berea on Saturday, July 26, 2008. We were reminded that not EVERY ONE turns 60 during 2008! The party/picnic was held at the pavilion at Coe Lake near the public swimming pool, police station and library. This was a GREAT location for us, plenty of parking and easy to find. The city has created a wonderful recreational area.
Keith Lare, Jim Jungeberg, Linda Gray Smidt, Barbara Gutzman Hockenberry
Laurie Brunner Munc, Barbara Gutzman Hockenberry, Linda Gray Smidt, Barbara Eisner Wiese, Kathy Gregg Beckman, Karl Beckman
Jim Chrysler, Frank (Parma), Pete Finefrock
Barbara Eisner Wiese and Laurie Brunner Munc
Jim Jungeberg and Jon Dregalla
Lenere Gillette Shrieves and Fred Zappone
JoAnn Ciresi Allen
Dave Norton
Pete Finefrock and John Goodworth
Gayle Yanke Ice, Jim and Linda Jungeberg
Tom Allen, JoAnn Ciresi Allen, Ellen Goodworth (John's wife)
Stephanie Goodworth (John and Ellen's daughter) and Donna Dirk Squires
Greg and Millie Hovanec
Pete Finefrock and Bruce Tillman
Damon Reinagle, Keth Shrieves, Keith Lare and Barbara Gutzman Hockenberry
Sue Mattison Birch, Fred Zappone, Gayle Yanke Ice, Jim Chrysler, Jon Dregalla
Buck Edwards
Kate and Steve Monchak
Damon Reinagle
JoAnn Ciresi Allen and Tom Allen
Dave Chrestensen couldn't join us but sent his regards!
Here are some pictures of the Coe Lake area............very nice!
Kathy had also contacted the Berea Historical Society and they were open on July 26th for us (they are usually not open on Saturdays). It is within walking distance from the pavilion. Thanks Kathy!